ART (or ARTy to his friends) is a much more advanced, but still FREE, program that allows you to plan artillery strikes, based on the standard BattleTech artillery rules.
ART can be used a number of ways:
- Plan Artillery firing and targets for an upcoming game. By examining the random scatter and damage pattern, you can adjust the targets to help damage the enemy, while keeping it away from your own units.
- Help determine, for a given situation, what ammo and weapon would work out best for the intended purpose. There are a lot of choices there, especially with Level 3 rules, and ART can help you choose the best combination.
- Print out the targets listing, then use the printout for your games. Space on the printout is provided for what round the artillery arrives.
- If you really trust your buddies, you can print out the damage, and use that during the game. Even print out a separate sheet for each round and/or type of weapon. As before the game, you won't know the location of the enemy units, even that much trust is not required.